Your Local Teotihuacan Tour Guide

local teotihuacan tour guide

Hello! My name is Alejandro and I am the lead guide here at Tour Teotihuacán! Since you are deciding to spend at least a full day with me, I want you first to know more about my life, experience, and background.

Having grown up in Teotihuacan, I was motivated to study tourism from a young age as a result of the many tourists who came to Teotihuacán asking what happened here and who built it. I also decided to study tourism because I personally had doubt around who really built this ancient Teotihuacán civilization, the town I’ve always called home. Now, I am grateful to be able to share my in-depth understanding of this magical place with anyone who gives me the opportunity! Not only can I provide the knowledge that I learned at school, but also the local wisdom that has been passed down to each new generation – the pre-historic oral traditions which heal the mind and soul. It is a blessing to be able to help others every day, not only by providing tours, but also indigenous healing ceremonies. I am one of only 65 guides who has been granted permission from the institute of anthropology and history to work within the institute and be inside the archaeological site. Our group is the first to be updated with the studies that are carried out by archaeologists and anthropologists in Teotihuacan.

I am 41 years old, married to my amazing wife Dalia, and have 3 beautiful daughters. My family is the reason I work hard every day, and who inspire me to try and help others by sharing the wisdom I’ve learned about this magical place. We live in small town called San Martín de las Pirámides, just 500 meters from the archaeological site in Teotihuacán. We are surrounded by green cacti, agaves and corn plantations.

If you want to know more about me and the services and experiences I can offer, contact me below! If you come with us you won’t regret!